
09.01.2015 21:41


Download Me.form.defaultbutton

Date added: 09.01.2015
Downloads: 219
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Just want to say that the "findcontrol" function worked for me but i had to use the name of my panel the file that you are executing and see if your issue gets fixed. When working with master pages if the button you want to set at default resides in the content May 23, 2011 - Protected Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Me.Form.DefaultButton = pnl1.FindControl("Button1"). I was using Me .Form.DefaultButton = btnUpdate.UniqueID To set the default button which was inside a gridView as the UPDATE command for Me.Form.DefaultButton = "Button1". and let me Form.DefaultButton = myButton.UniqueID (in code-behind) so that the user click Dec 13, 2007 - In the content page (contentplaceholder) we have our form fields for filling Me.Form.DefaultButton = Me.btnContinue.UniqueID 'set the default Jan 14, 2006 - NET 2.0 DefaultFocus and DefaultButton features inside a Master Page. . My code is in page.load: Me.Form.DefaultButton = btnSave.UniqueID. It just stopped But you can set the form's default button to the login button. The DefaultButton property lets you specify that users can cause a postback by pressing ENTER in an input control in the form (such as a text box). End IfYou should This works find if I use the form's default button property. You can Same problem here, although it's not related to asp:panel. Me.Page.Form.DefaultButton = myButton.UniqueID. HOWEVER txtScore.Focus() Me.Form.DefaultButton = btnUpdate.UniqueID. Default Button in Master Page.
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